Up To Speed

NHSS12 Moves to electronic eCards

Did you know?

As of April 1st 2023, all National Highway Sector Scheme qualifications moved to a fully electronic system – and the production of the familiar plastic Sector Scheme 12 ‘ticket’ has ceased.

All NEW learners to the industry will now be issue with an eCard, which will need to be stored on a smart device and available to be shown on demand whilst at work.

This change is intended to help reduce the environmental impact of the plastic usage by utilising technologies that are readily available. The eCard also brings an efficiency benefit to Lantra Awards and operatives, by reducing the time taken to update an operative’s skills on their eCard.

Anyone who currently holds a SMART card will be expected to continue to carry the card until they renew or complete another training/assessment qualification, at which time an electronic version of their card will become available.

If you require any additional information, please contact the Up To Speed Training Team and we’ll be happy to help.