As one of the UK’s largest National Highways Sector Scheme 12 training providers we are regularly being asked to clarify the route to qualification and also the route to re-qualification.
With so many ‘Rules of Combination’ and variations, being sure you are following the correct route is often confusing and can prove to be time consuming trying to interpret the relevant sector scheme documents and other information available within the industry.
With this in mind and after many conversations with our clients, Up To Speed Training have created a NHSS12 Qualification Attainment Flowchart which hopefully assists in advising the correct path to take, ensuring you are completing the correct training or assessments for your desired outcome.
The NHSS12 Qualification Flowchart is available to view or download free of charge from our website at at the bottom of the home page, on the right hand side of the footer section, under ‘OUR MENU’.
We regularly review the document and when amendments are announced the document is updated to ensure it stays current and accurate, so be sure to check back regularly to confirm you have the most up to date version.
Hopefully you will find this free tool useful and we welcome any feedback that may enhance the usability of this document for the whole Temporary Traffic Management industry.
The Up To Speed Training Team.