Highways Common Induction “Passport to Safety”
The Highways Common Induction has undergone a major overhaul with the biggest change being in the way the course is delivered. Rather than a face-to-face delivery in the classroom the course is now completed via an online portal.
The Requirements
Anybody working under the control of a Principal Contractor for a National Highways funded project or scheme (online and offline) who would normally receive a project or scheme induction in accordance with CDM 2015. This includes, but is not limited to the following roles and trades:
- All operatives (including CWF Contractors, Subcontractors and Agency / freelance employees)
- Supervisors,
- Managers
- Contract Managers,
- Health and Safety, Environment Managers / Advisors.
- Road Sweeper, Water Jetter & Gully sucker Operator
- Scheme / Project Recovery Drivers
- Scaffolders
- Asbestos Removal Operatives
- Bricklaying & Stonemasons
- Carpentry, Joinery, Formwork & Timber Frame
- Concrete work, Steel fixers
- Technology Engineers, Electrician, National Roads Technology Service workers,
- Demolition & Reclamation
- Groundworks Inc. Drain laying, Kerbs & Paving
- Landscaping, Arboriculture, ecologists etc.
- Piling
- Plant Operators
- Scaffolding, tower erection, temp works etc.
- Surveying, material testing etc.
- Pavement, pavers, planers etc.
- Traffic Management
- Permanent and Temporary Vehicle Restraint installers
- Road Marking and Surface Treatment
- On Site cleaners
(*Please note that this list will be reviewed on a regular basis so that it remains current to business and industry needs.)
Those currently* identified as being exempt from both holding a Passport Card and undertaking the Highways Common Induction are as follows;
- Delivery Drivers of material such as stone, aggregate or concrete who only visit site to off load material and leave site and currently only receive a shorter ‘Delivery Driver’ induction as required by Raising the Bar 23. In time the National Highways Passport Scheme Steering Group will be working to bring this demographic in scope.
- Maintenance Personnel such as hydraulic hose fitters who require emergency access to the network because it is unsafe to recover a broken-down item of plant back to the compound are currently excluded from undertaking the Highways Common Induction and often it is impractical to provide them with the full project induction.
- Recovery Drivers working as part of the national recovery contract, currently being delivered by FMG support via a national network of recovery operators, which is used by traffic officers when removing vehicles on a statutory basis, are currently exempt from holding a passport card. This does not include recovery drivers who provide recovery service for major project or asset delivery schemes under the control of a principal contractor.
- Statutory Undertakers working on behalf of the various companies and agencies undertaking utility diversions on projects and operating with legal rights to access their services and property to carry out certain development and highways works such as utilities and telecoms companies or nationalised companies such as Network Rail who may need access to the SRN to maintain Rail Bridges are exempt from holding a National Highways Passport and undertaking the HCI. This is the default position unless the Principal Contractor defines other arrangements.
- Escorted Visitors: From time to time individuals from outside the contract or project team may wish to visit the works being undertaken on the Project / Scheme to observe or inspect work activity such as National Highways Personnel, offsite designers, Certification Body Auditors or Members of Parliament. A visitor to a contract or project is defined as anybody who requires access to the work location but will not be undertaking any physical work activity other than observing or inspecting work activity. These individuals will operate in line with the site access and induction requirements.
- Office/Compound visitors: Anyone who is just visiting a National Hghways Office, Supply Chain Office, Major Project Site Office or Motorway Maintenance Compound do not require a National Highways Passport or HCI or a temporary visitor permit.
- Tunnelling: Operatives undertaking tunnelling works are currently exempt from holding a passport card due to the limited amount of tunnelling work required in RIS2 confining the trade to two projects. It is still recommended that the tunnelling operatives undertake the HCI so that they have a basic understanding of National Highways rules however this decision will be left to the appointed PC on the two tunnelling projects.
- Security Guards who provide security provision on site compounds or maintenance compounds do not require a National Highways Passport or HCI or a temporary visitor permit.
- Winter Maintenance (Gritter Drivers): Contingent workers who are only engaged by maintenance providers to help support the winter maintenance provision and are only driving a gritter do not need a National Highways Passport or HCI or a temporary visitor permit.
- Pre-Construction Phase: The default position is that the passport scheme is not a requirement during the preconstruction phase. This includes anyone working outside of the construction phase such as GI surveying works, ecology, Archaeology etc do not require a passport card or to undertake the HCI. However, the organisation in charge of the work may wish to mandate this.
(*Please note that this list will be reviewed on a regular basis so that it remains current to business and industry needs
For more information or to book the online Highways Common Induction please click the button below